Barbra White Interviews Life Coach Diane Kasunic, HeartMath Certified Coach and Mentor
Written by pennygolden on July 17, 2018
Barbra White Interviews Life Coach Diane Kasunic, HeartMath Certified Coach and Mentor
Studies conducted with over 11,500 people have shown improvements in mental & emotional well-being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology, find out more in this episode of InTouch InterViews
Our guest is Diane Kasunic is a Reiki Master and doctor of educational sociology and has worked with many corporations and in academia as a college professor of business management and leadership. She has owned and operated multiple businesses, including a franchise. She does volunteer work regularly and has worked with many senior centers and substance rehabilitation facilities. Dr. Kasunic is currently a Life Coach and Mentor, Certified by HeartMath providing services to individuals, groups, and organizations; and the Davenport University adjunct faculty. Meet her at the Body, Mind and Spirit Festival on September 8 at Unity of Farmington and the Body, Mind, and Spirit Festival at Unity of Livonia on October 6th.
Airtime July 23 at 11 a.m.
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