We Get Results with Mary Singer Albertson on Foster Care Awareness
Written by pennygolden on May 29, 2019
AIRTIME: 4/23/2019 – 1 pm
SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson
April is Child Abuse awareness month and May is Foster Care Month.
Please enjoy this episode with Child Safe MI, and listen and find out how you can be that loving, trusted adult in the life of a child who has been abused or neglected. There are so many children in Michigan who need You
THIS EPISODE: Mary is joined by Elizabeth Brazilian and staff from Child Safe Michigan and the Judson Center for an enlightening show on how to keep children safe.
Child Safe Michigan joined forces with Judson Center in January of 2015, standing together as two enlightened charities who decided to come together to make a lasting and significant difference in the lives of children and families we serve with a more collective and concentrated impact.
Visit their sites at www.childsafemichigan.org and www.judsoncenter.org
Please share with friends who may be interested in what we do for the children, and what they can do to help.