Author: pennygolden

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Join us as we Ascend into 2014 with Eve Wilson. Eve works tirelessly with planetary healing and ascension as well as is the Director of the Healer Development Program, a full-time UCM Healer Practitioner and a trainer of healers. There is plenty to know about what we can do to aid the planet and in […]

AIRTIME: 8/25/2020 – 1 – 2 pm SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Body Mind Spirit RADIO presents ‘Accepted As I Am’ hosted by spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Barbra White who knows love lives within each and every person and is dedicated to teaching the power of self acceptance. This gifted teacher and powerful healer who helps so many she is known as the “mid-wife to your […]

Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! Listen now and see more info below AIRTIME: Tuesday, Aug 18, 10:00 – 11:00am More info about this episode  Sacred Sexuality […]

AIRTIME: 7/28/2020 – 1 – 2 pm SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

AIRTIME Tuesday, July 21, from 1:00 – 2:00pm Aetherius Society members bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! AIRTIME Tuesday, July 21, from 1:00 – 2:00pm

Leslie “Light Bearer” Blackburn, MS welcomes YOU to “Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn” which is LIVE the 3rd Tuesday of each month 10-11am EST. An accomplished and gifted Sacred Sexual Healer and Transformational Guide as well as an international speaker, seminar leader, artist, yogini and more, Leslie has no regrets walking away from a 15 […]

Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! Listen now and see more info below AIRTIME: Tuesday, July 21, 10:00 – 11:00am More info about this episode  Today we […]

Ayurveda is the science of self-healing aimed at relieving the diseases of the body and the mind and Michigan has a center where people can go to avail themselves of health! Dr. Beena Vesikar joins the program today to invite us to her BeAyurvedic Wellness Center where your Ayurvedic consultation will provide you with a […]

AIRTIME: 6/25/2019 – 1 pm SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson

SPECIAL DAY this MONTH (due to the Christmas Holiday) Getting results means getting involved and Mary Singer Albertson shows us how by example and invites us to learn from others during her monthly program, We Get Results, LIVE the 4th Tuesday of each month 1-2pm (est). Mary brings up the issues, books the guests who […]

Airs 6/25/2019    10:00-11:00am   Welcome to the “Beautiful Earth” radio show, a one-hour celebration of our “Great Mother Earth” with host Barbra White. Barbra is a holistic therapist, a gifted psychic, and bestselling author. Each month she is joined by Dynamic Leaders on cutting edge of Ecopsychology, Feminism, Sacred Sexuality, Ecology, Raw Food, Macrobiotics, […]

Aetherius Society members bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! AIRTIME Tuesday, June 18, from 1:00 – 2:00pm

Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! Listen now and see more info below AIRTIME: Tuesday, June 18, 10:00 – 11:00am More info about this episode 

AIRTIME: 4/23/2019 – 1 pm SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson April is Child Abuse awareness month and May is Foster Care Month. Please enjoy this episode with Child Safe MI, and listen and find out how you can be that loving, trusted adult in the life of a child who has been abused […]

On the Edge with Chrissie Blaze Interviews Dianne Collins Ms. Collins is an important thought-leader of our time; her workshops and consulting sessions are widely sought after by a clientele that includes politicians, celebrities and CEOs alike. Her latest ambitious book “Do You Quantum Think?” is the culmination of her life’s work and it unveils […]

Airs 5/28/2019    10:00-11:00am   Welcome to the “Beautiful Earth” radio show, a one-hour celebration of our “Great Mother Earth” with host Barbra White. Barbra is a holistic therapist, a gifted psychic, and bestselling author. Each month she is joined by Dynamic Leaders on cutting edge of Ecopsychology, Feminism, Sacred Sexuality, Ecology, Raw Food, Macrobiotics, […]

Welcome to “Live with Wendy Powers” December 7th, Wendy looks forward to exploring the topic: “How to attract and keep your perfect Divine Mate” in addition to giving on-air ‘mini’ readings! Wendy’s program is LIVE the FIRST SATURDAY of EACH MONTH 10-11am EST so be sure to write down this phone number perhaps put it […]

Aetherius Society members bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! AIRTIME Tuesday, May 21, from 1:00 – 2:00pm

Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! Listen now and see more info below AIRTIME: Tuesday, May 21, 10:00 – 11:00am More info about this episode 

Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! Listen now and see more info below AIRTIME: Tuesday, April 16, 10:00 – 11:00am More info about this episode 

If everyone deserves to live lives filled with love and loving connections, then why are so many of us not doing just that? Perhaps we don’t know how or believe we can and that’s where the Human Awareness Institute (HAI) comes into play. On the program today we welcome Pauline Valvo, a HAI Workshop Presenter […]

Airs 4/29/2019    Join host Barbra White with Dr. Vickie Modica, Jessica Preston and Liza Baker as they take on the subject, Woman’s Holistic Health. Read more about Barbra’s guests below:    Dr. Vickie Modica has had a lifelong interest in medicine. Being disillusioned with traditional medicine, her path took her from coast to coast, […]

AIRTIME: 4/23/2019 – 1 pm SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson THIS EPISODE: Mary is joined by Elizabeth Brazilian and staff from Child Safe Michigan and the Judson Center for an enlightening show on how to keep children safe.

Roy E. Thibodeau and his wife, Mary Ann have been disciples of Yogacharya J. Oliver Black (the man who built Song of the Morning Ranch in Vanderbilt, MI) for over 40 years and through their dedicated work, share the teachings of Parmahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi)founder of Self Realization Fellowship. On our program today […]

Aetherius Society members bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! AIRTIME Tuesday, April 16, from 1:00 – 2:00pm

Getting results means getting involved and Mary Singer Albertson shows us how by example and invites us to learn from others during her monthly program, We Get Results, LIVE the 4th Tuesday of each month 1-2pm (est). Mary brings up the issues, books the guests who are connected to the issues and as the answers […]

AIRTIME: 3/26/2019 – 1 pm SHOW: We get RESULTS with Mary Singer Albertson Special Guest Sr. Simone Campbell of Nuns on the Bus.  Sr. Simone will join RESULTS activists this Sunday March 31 to speak on Mendin,g the Gap-Why do so many people feel left behind.? You’re invited to a inspiring event with Sister Simone Campbell who […]

Body Mind Spirit RADIO presents ‘Accepted As I Am’ hosted by spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Barbra White who knows love lives within each and every person and is dedicated to teaching the power of self acceptance. This gifted teacher and powerful healer who helps so many she is known as the “mid-wife to your […]

Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! Listen now and see more info below AIRTIME: Tuesday, February 19, 10:00 – 11:00am More info about this episode 

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