We Get Results
Written by pennygolden on March 24, 2015
The first part of this episode of We Get Results on Tuesday March 24th is devoted to Child Safe Michigan and the Judson Center.
My guests are Cameron Hosner President and CEO of Judson Center and Elizabeth Brazilian Director of Development of Child Safe Michigan. These two amazing organizations have come together recently to provide services to heal abused and neglected children, and families impacted by the challenges of autism, developmental, and mental health difficulties. . Check out www.childsafemichigan.org and www.judsoncenter.org
On the second part of the show we discuss SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and the dangerous cuts that could happen very soon to poor families in the US. 11 MILLION Americans could lose SNAP benefits! My guest is Jos Linn RESULTS Grassroots Manager for US Poverty Campaigns. RESULTS is a volunteer citizens Lobby to create the political and public will to end hunger and poverty.
We Get Results airs on the fourth Tuesday of the month 1:00-2:00 pm EDT.Check out RESULTS www.results.org.