We Get Results

Written by on August 25, 2015

We Get Results. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

With Featured Guests:


Sue Allen Ellen

Sue Ellen Allen is an author, speaker, and prison expert who found her passion and purpose in prison. As the co-founder and Executive Director for GINA’s Team, she brings a leadership program into women’s prisons and juvenile facilities to encourage the women to find their own purpose and upon their release, to become tax payers rather than tax burdens. Her memoir about prison life, The Slumber Party from Hell, is a leader in sparking the conversation about the cost American faces as the world’s ‘Incarceration Nation’ both in tax dollars and in human lives. For more information or to contact Sue please visit www.GinasTeam.org or email her at info@GinasTeam.org.


Carol Manetta

Since taking an early retirement from Detroit MI. Carol Manetta landed in Arizona to make her mark in service to the community. Here she founded Reentry and Preparedness, or REAP, after having volunteered and later worked in prisons ranging from minimum to maximum security. She found that citizens leaving prison or jail have many hurdles, and they need many supports to offset those hurdles in order to survive and remain free of the street economies to do so. Currently, she is Executive Director of REAP, and is developing programs in food security on American Indian lands for those tribal members who have reentered society from prison or jail, deployment in the military, or who have endured long term unemployment and wish to reenter the workforce. For more information or to contact Carol please visit reapaz.org.

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