We Get Results – Nepal
Written by pennygolden on April 28, 2015
We Get Results. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
THIS EPISODE GUESTS: Thomas Morgan, Thomas Morgan-Producer/Director of Waiting For Mamu, and founder of Reframed Pictures with Susan Sarandon- human rights advocates. Ken Patterson and Meredith Dodson, www.results.org to take action.!! Discussing imprisoned children in Nepal, the RESULTS organization and more!!
Discussing Pushpa Basnet the CNN Hero of the Year 2012 who rescues children from prisons in Nepal. Help is needed after the devastating Earthquake. Donate at www.waitingformamu.com. RESULTS Domestic and global actions to end poverty www.results.org