We Get Results

Written by on February 24, 2015


We Get Results. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. Replay of the January 27th, 2015 show on ways you can get involved in issues to make a difference in the world! Be the change you want to see in the world!

A comment; Jenny Harper LeBel:
“Thank you Mary Singer Albertson, Mark Tabbert, D’Marie Mulattieri & Vanessa Garcia for a very informative radio show! You are all so amazing and you all rock!”
From D’Marie Mulattieri: Here is the archived recording of today’s WE GET RESULTS radio show hosted by Mary Singer Albertson.
Her guests today include Mark Tabbert, Citizens Climate Lobby; D’Marie Mulattieri on California Clean Money Campaign, GMO Free – March Against Monsanto and Expose the TPP. Vanessa Garcia closes out the show discussing RESULTS, an organization to end poverty and hunger.
Contact Mary at anytime about the organizations described in the show. 248-756-6270

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