Live with Wendy Powers
Written by pennygolden on January 4, 2014
Happy New Year to everyone and welcome to “Live with Wendy Powers” January 4th show! Have you gotten lost on your life path? Wendy will do free mini readings throughout the hour to see where you ARE on your life path. Have you veered away from your life’s purpose? Have you added more karma? Listen to the program with your computer on Body Mind Spirit Radio or use your phone by calling 646-378-0378. Want a FREE MINI READING? After you have dialed in, press the number 1 on your phone keypad and you’ll be put in the queue. Live with Wendy Powers is LIVE the first Saturday each month 10-11am EST. Be sure to pick up your copy of the January 2014 Body Mind Spirit Guide to read the full length article Wendy has written on her topic today! And remember that you can always contact Wendy for a private one-on-one reading by contacting her directly