Beautiful Earth with Barbra White and Ginny Nadler
Written by Courtney Overfield on December 26, 2017
Beautiful Earth with Barbra White.
Celebrating the Great Mother through dynamic explorations around embodiment, natures gifts, sexuality, food and emotional awareness.
Topic: This month we host Author Ginny Nadler who will be discussing her book, “Spiritual Anatomy: Realigning Body and Soul.”
Ginny Nadler is the founder of Core Body Wisdom LLC, created to deliver the highest quality wellness initiatives and care to individuals, businesses, and health care organizations. Graduate studies in physical, medical, and cultural anthropology, as well as Holistic Health with a focus on nutrition, led her to seek more creative ways to discover where imbalance and distortion arises in human structure. She frequently travels for lectures and workshops.
In Spiritual Anatomy, she presents a powerful approach for unraveling your deeply entangled distortions and bringing your body back into alignment. The book is filled with illuminating illustrations that detail the impact and control that the perineum has on a person’s health. Ginny has discovered a key that has eluded physical therapists, doctors, and other medical professionals. “A chronically tight, contracted pelvic floor will congest, spiral, and twist muscle fibers, ultimately pulling the bones out of alignment and leading to pain and dysfunction,” she says.
She includes many case histories of her patients and the complete healings that her Structural ReAlignment Integration® has achieved–even in people who are wheelchair bound, in excruciating pain, using walkers or have lost hope for living a normal life.
Ginny recounts her own story of physical and emotional pain, and how her search for an answer lead her to study yoga and numerous other healing and spiritual methodologies. A life-long fascination with body structure, starting as a young child, propelled her to seek solutions. And through her diligent self-study, she found them.
Airtime 10-11 a.m.
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