Barbra White with Guest Amy Kaherl of “Detroit SOUP”
Written by Courtney Overfield on August 23, 2016
Calling All Leaders & Healers. You are a unique expression of the Presence of Love. There is no one in this world with your unique song. By loving yourself you align with the harmonizing principal of your Soul. Self Acceptance opens you to your dynamic destiny. In a willingness to love yourself you become a leader, healer and a beneficial presence to others. Each show is inspirational power packed with teachings by Barbra White and world changing guests.
TOPIC/GUEST: Amy Kaherl is the Executive Director of Detroit SOUP. Amy received her MA in Theology (emphasizing in popular culture) in 2008 from Fuller Theological Seminary. Detroit SOUP is a microgranting dinner that celebrates creative projects in the city and has helped Detroiters giving back to Detroiters over $120,000 towards art, social justice, social entrepreneurs, education, technology and urban agriculture.
The model is now being replicated in over 120 cities around the world. Amy and SOUP have recently been honored as a White House Champion of Change for their crowdfunding efforts and have been featured on the BBC, the front page of the Sunday Detroit Free Press and Detroit News, New York Times, NPR, Fast Company, O Magazine, Dwell Magazine, and NBC Nightly News (among other wonderful publications).
While not running SOUP, Amy also moonlights as DJ Amy Dreamcatcher with the monthly party, Nothing Elegant. For more information please visit,