Holistic Empowerment and Healing Through Martial Arts, Special Guest: Dawei Li

Rebecca L. Johns

Join us today as our host, Rebecca L. Johns, explores the topic of holistic empowerment and healing through the martial arts with her special guest, Dawei Li.

Dawei has been practicing martial arts and bodywork for over 30 years. He holds certifications in Tai Chi, Tai Chi for Parkinson’s, Push Hands, Fa Kung healing, Massage Therapy, Structural Integration Therapy, and Herbal Counseling. He is currently focusing his teaching on Parkinson’s patients, including creating a new exercise tool specifically for people with brain issues.

Great I Am Radio is hosted by Rebecca L. Johns, holistic health practitioner, purpose coach, and minister of the Gospel, and brought to you by The Godly Woman and Heaven on Earth Ministries (a Michigan faith-based nonprofit organization) serving the USA and around the world. To learn more, visit: LivingGodsPromises.com

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